The consolidation of the responsibility value in university students through the Computing class


The consolidation of the responsibility value in university students through the Computing class


La consolidación del valor responsabilidad en estudiantes universitarios desde la clase de Informática



Rosa de la Caridad Bermello Navarrete1, Ada Luisa Carrillo Alfonso2, Jessica Moret Suárez3, Ada Rodríguez Suárez4

1 Mayabeque Faculty of Medical Sciences. Cuba. E-mail:
2 Mayabeque Faculty of Medical Sciences. Cuba. E-mail:
3 Mayabeque Health Branch Directorate. Mayabeque. Cuba. E-mail:
4 Mayabeque Faculty of Medical Sciences. Cuba. E-mail:




In the formation of the human resources in the health branch, it´s remarkable to guarantee the country to have competent and committed professionals with the revolutionary work, for this it is necessary to keep in mind the improvement and consolidation of the responsibility value as expression of the high quality of the services to render. For this reason the objective of this research paper is to present actions that can be implemented through the computing class to contribute to the strengthening of this value in the university students. It is considered that the designed actions boost the responsibility in the students and they can be carried out in other subjects to have a good quality teaching-learning process.

MeSH: Responsibility, curricular educational work, training of health human resources, education, medical.


En la formación de los recursos humanos en el sector de la salud, si se quiere garantizar que el país cuente con profesionales competentes y comprometidos con la obra revolucionaria, hay que tener en cuenta el perfeccionamiento y la consolidación del valor responsabilidad como expresión de garantía de la calidad de los servicios a brindar. Es por ello que el objetivo de esta comunicación es exponer acciones que pueden implementarse desde la clase de Informática para contribuir al fortalecimiento de este valor en los estudiantes universitarios. Se considera que las acciones señaladas fomentan la responsabilidad en los educandos y pueden ejecutarse en otras asignaturas para llevar a buen término el proceso docente educativo.

DeCS: Responsabilidad, trabajo educativo curricular, formación de recursos humanos en salud, educación médica.



Nowadays, the consolidation of values has great importance for the development of the adolescents' personality and youngsters so that they assume a conscious participation in the construction of the socialist society; because these are the ones that guide their behavior and determine their attitudes.

According to this point of view, this work should be guided to inculcate in the students those necessary values to keep an ethical behavior proper of a model professional, substituting in an absolute way individualism and even corruption as an evil that could destroy the whole work of the Revolución1.

At present it is unavoidable in the universities to develop with more quality a coherent education in values every day , or rather an improvement of them, for that reason, it should be harmoniously linked the design of the study plans and the work of the professors of the different subjects in coordination with the positive influences of the family, this way to contribute all to the university student's comprehensive formation, either in the academic, cultural, scientific point of view or the researching one2; in this context the Computing subject plays an outstanding role due to the wide action field it possesses and for the importance that is given to the Communication and Information Technologies (CIT).

Moral education is within the most valuable objectives in the formation of health professionals, the development of values that guarantee them a scientific performance of high quality, at the same time the social commitment of their country and the continuity of the revolutionary work, being shaped not only as a good specialist but also as a better citizen3. For example, among the abilities that a future graduate of the health branch should have are: to search for the necessary information to assess it to select what is more convenient, to organize it and finally to apply it to concrete situations, in the same way will use web browsers as well as other tools, to express the ideas and to assume meaning4; such is the necessity to acquire abilities in the use and management of the CIT, and of course of computing among the students of the medical sciences.

The reinforcement of values has to be materialized through the study plan of the career, they contribute to the objectives of the professional's model; they consolidate through the curriculum, in the development of the teaching-learning process that it´s characterized to be complex, it aims at the transmission and assimilation of them5. That´s why this question comes up: what is a value?

Values are defined as motivations that are established in the process of man's social life, intimately linked to the relationship systems that are manifested in all the aspects of its activity, their repercussion in its professional, intimate, political, and of any nature. They are present in all the structures of society, and they are man's complete reflection as individuals 6. They constitute qualities that identify each person, actions, systems, society and things, they are real and they allow conditioning the world, to make it positive or negative.

Within the system of values of society are found political, aesthetics, religious, scientists and the moral ones; out of them are considered positive: dignity, patriotism, humanism, solidarity, responsibility, industriousness, honor, honesty and justice6. To educate in values requires, no doubts, of an active and conscious participation without distinction of all the social factors that surround the student.

Keeping in mind what it was analyzed, the authors have decided to present some actions that can be implemented through the Computing class to contribute to the improvement and consolidation of the responsibility value in the university students of the medical sciences.

Either the students who receive Computing or the professors who impart it should face and develop the work with values through the incidence of the C I T in the current society, which shows the necessity that the students have to enter into contact with this reality in an appropriate way, within the systematization of an educational program, so they learn better and make a responsible and competent use of them in function of their preparation, to use them as a searching, presentation and information management instrument for the rest of the subjects they study, and of their own specialty. That´s why the challenge to meet in the classrooms of the 21th century is the combination internet-intranet-values, if it´s desired to achieve a reality and a complete, personalized and coherent education2.

In Cuba, the education in values is the result of a tradition of those who bequeathed their personal example in the past, their revolutionary concerns and mainly the sense of justice, humanity and freedom; this work is carried out in all the levels of the educational system and it is sustained in the general guidelines of the leading program oriented by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.

It is indispensable for university professors, among other actions, to determine how to educate the students in values through their classes and activity, since in the very heart of the university institutions this is of paramount and multidimensional importance, and it should not be limited to the ethical aspect; it ´s also important to take into account that it is necessary to strengthen the aesthetic, political, intellectual aspects in the process that altogether contribute to the development of personality.

In Computing classes the reinforcement of all values can be worked out7, but the responsibility value is considered one of the most important in any teaching type, and especially in the health branch because it is necessary to have professionals that guarantee the quality and the efficiency of services to the population, and this is possible if the students are demanded to be responsible since their very formation.

Responsibility is the condition in which a person assumes the obligation regarding its acts or to any specific activity in a voluntary way8.

Keeping in mind this definition, the authors present some actions that can be implemented through the Computing class that is to say through the curricular work, to contribute to the improvement and consolidation of the responsibility value in the students:

  • To boost the responsibility in the care of the computers and of all the available resources in the computing laboratory, using for it the systematic dialogue between the students and the professor.
  • To promote the group work and in correspondence to demand that the team leaders look after what is established in regard to computing safety.
  • To urge the students to carry out the assigned tasks by means of the use of the problem solving approach guided by the professor, whenever it is possible working in teams, what also contributes to the reinforcement of solidarity.
  • To demand that each student carries out its self assessment, this way the honesty value is strengthened and its responsibility is favored due to the achieved results and the form of exceeding them, to be the protagonist of its academic efficiency.

Different methodological approaches have been applied in computing teaching and at present it is considered fundamental and problem solving, when promoting in the students the necessity of a grater cognitive independence and responsibility that leads them to the solution of practical problems during their professional formation9.

In the authors' opinion, the already mentioned actions contribute to the strengthening of the responsibility value in the students, and they could be implemented in other subjects that use the computing laboratory for their development. They were put into practice, since the academic year 2014-2015, either in the technical teaching of Orthopedics prosthesis, in Health Technology, or in the university students of the Medicine career.



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Submitted: June, 3 2015.
Accepted: March, 3 2016.



Rosa Bermello Navarrete. Mayabeque Faculty of Medical Sciences. Cuba. E-mail:

Copyright (c) 2016